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How to Deal with TMJ Headache in Atlanta

Tension headaches may be one of the most common types of headaches, but the pain can be unbearable and affect your daily life. One of the causes of tension headaches is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ. TMJ is the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull. When this joint is misaligned or inflamed, it can cause headaches, jaw pain, and even neck pain. If you are living in Atlanta and suffering from TMJ headaches, it’s essential to understand how to deal with the condition.

The Cause of TMJ Headaches

One of the leading causes of TMJ headaches is teeth grinding or bruxism. Many people don’t even realize they are grinding their teeth until they experience pain or discomfort. Over time, teeth grinding can lead to TMJ and headaches. Another common cause of TMJ headaches is a misaligned jaw or trauma to the jawbone. When the jaw isn’t aligned correctly, it can put pressure on the joint and lead to inflammation and headaches.

TMJ Headache Symptoms

If you are experiencing TMJ headaches, you may notice a few symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is a dull ache on one or both sides of the head. This pain can also radiate to the neck and shoulders, making it difficult to move your head. You may also feel pressure or tenderness in your jaw muscles, especially when you open your mouth or chew. Some people may also experience clicking or popping sounds in their jaw when they move it.

Treatment for TMJ Headaches

There are several treatments available for TMJ headaches in Atlanta. One of the first steps is to identify the cause of the problem and address it. If teeth grinding is the cause, your dentist may recommend a mouthguard or oral appliance to help you stop grinding. If the issue is with the alignment of your jaw, your doctor may recommend physical therapy, stretching exercises, or chiropractic care. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct a misaligned jaw or other structural issues.

Preventing TMJ Headaches

Prevention is always the best course of action when it comes to health issues. If you are prone to TMJ headaches, there are a few things you can do to prevent them. First, try to reduce stress levels through exercise, meditation, or other relaxation techniques. When you are stressed, you are more likely to grind your teeth or clench your jaw. Second, be mindful of your posture. Poor posture can put unnecessary pressure on your jaw and lead to inflammation and headaches. Finally, avoid chewing gum or other hard foods that can strain your jaw muscles.

Living with TMJ Headaches

Living with TMJ headaches can be challenging, but there are ways to manage the pain. Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce the pain and inflammation. Applying heat or ice to the affected area can also provide relief. If you are experiencing TMJ headaches frequently, it’s essential to seek medical attention. Your doctor can help you identify the cause of the problem and develop a personalized treatment plan.


TMJ headaches can be debilitating, but there are ways to manage the pain and prevent future headaches. If you are experiencing TMJ headaches, it’s essential to seek medical attention and identify the cause of the problem. Once you know the cause, you can develop a personalized treatment plan that works for you. Whether it’s through physical therapy, stress management techniques, or surgery, there is a solution for TMJ headaches. With the right care and attention, you can live a pain-free life.

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